“Five Little Monkeys” Experience

“Five Little Monkeys” by Eileen Christelow

Potential “Experience” Themes: counting, cause and effect, monkeys/animals, bedtime, self care routines, and health

Before Reading Aloud: try turning this book into an interactive reading experience by jumping when the monkeys jump! This book also features self care routines. Try asking your little ones which actions match their own bedtime routine! 🥰

Sample Read Aloud

Song Pairing Examples:

“5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed” by BusSongs

“Jump!” by Patty Shukla

“Five Little Monkeys Jumping on Bed” Hey Tenny version by Pinkfong

“Just Wanna Jump” by Danny Go!

“Shake My Sillies out” by Raffi

“Ten in the Bed” by Super Simple Songs

Songs about Bedtime:

“Goodnight” by Sweet Tunes

“Bedtime Routine Song” by Ms Rachel (30 minute special about bedtime!)

Multi Sensory Activity Examples


“Itsy Bitsy Spider” Experience


“Two at the Zoo” Experience